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Discover the insights that unlock brand value.
uncover. unlock. unleash.

We uncover undervalued assets, unlock growth opportunities, and unleash brand value.
A groundbreaking measurement of 108 brand factors reveals how your brand aligns with your audience's perceptual filters. Discover the insights that enhance engagement and foster loyalty, leading to increased market share, improved profits, and greater brand value. Think of it as the "Moneyball" approach to branding—equipping you with data to align investment with the strongest ROI and maximize exit value.

Meet Lily

Dive Into the Results!
The Lucidify™ report reveals 108 brand factors evaluated by a weighted numerical system that ranges from +100 to -100. This system allows for a thorough assessment of a brand's strengths and weaknesses. With this robust measurement, organizations can quickly identify areas for improvement and align their investments with value creation.
Discover the insights that unlock brand value.

uncover. unlock. unleash.
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